We have welcomed lost of visitors over the recent weeks. Sally Teal enjoyed herself so much last time she came back to visit again. We had lots of fun taking part in her mix of yoga and sensory play. The babies tried really hard to master the yoga positions, and they enjoyed exploring Sally’s fantastic sensory toys.
We also had a great experience when the ladies from St Johns Ambulance paid us a visit. They helped us to look after the Teddies in our hospital.
Everyone should now have had a chance to explore our cookery bags. We are now preparing to send them all home again with a new recipes
to try. We have really loved reading about how you have used them at home it looks like you have all had lots of fun. They were purchased using some of the money from out Director of Public Health award grant
and I think that thanks to you the money has been well spent. This month our story of the month will be The Very Hungry Caterpillar, the babies really enjoy this book and it will fit well with our cookery bags.